Combitech SeaLion

The service-based C2-system

Successful operations in modern day´s battle space are carried out by taking advantage of correct operational picture and mobile command systems. For defence organizations to be able to operate to their full capacity, they must utilize the best possible Command and Control systems in their operations.

Combitech SeaLion is an advanced naval C2-system that helps its user organization plan and execute successful military operations. SeaLion is operated at naval bases and headquarters ashore and as well as on individual vessels at sea.


SeaLion provides you with a situational overview on a map display showing friendly and enemy forces according to updated input, making planning operations and assigning and commanding forces quicker and more effective. 

SeaLion integrates seamlessly with other systems, in other areas of defence and Combat Management Systems, making well planned organization-wide cooperation possible.

SeaLion is in operation and proven to be a NATO-compatible system through testing, providing your organization with international interoperability. The modularity of the system and its modern user interface opens up for ease of customization and integration, tailored to your specific needs and roles.

Service based C2-system

Combitech SeaLion has an adaptive and modular microservice structure that features a number of different functionalities to support your organization's decision making to the fullest.


Updated situational awareness

With SeaLion your situational awareness stays top class. The system updates forces´ data via Friendly Force Tracking and Multilateral Interoperability Programme API to own- as well as coalition forces.

The performance capabilities, division and event data of the commanded task forces are visualized on a map for easy access. The system also features an Information Board-service that displays situational data from other services in text format.

Tasking & Planning

SeaLion easily organizes your operations, and with the Tasking Service, tasks of commanded forces are displayed in an easily readable matrix to increase efficiency. 

The Planning Service makes planning for future operations more organized and effective, with tasking and planning more easily shared and assigned.

Anywhere, anytime

Sharing of information allows for continuous operation while ensuring availability of the most recent situational information, through information replication. This enables all units to work independently, without being connected to the network.

These data diversification functionalities make commanding independent of time and place, ensuring continuity of operations even in the most demanding of conditions.

Thanks to its modular structure, SeaLion is easily integrable to other systems and quickly customizable for the customer organizations specific needs.

Mikael Krusenberg

Head of Security Solutions