Secure products

Making sure your products meet today's requirements and tomorrow's expectations

We specialize in crafting secure digital products and services tailored to the modern world. Our comprehensive approach ensures the protection of valuable assets amidst evolving demands and innovations.

From inception to execution, our teams collaborate closely with you to seamlessly integrate security into every stage of product development. We offer end-to-end support, from defining requirements to testing and verifying effectiveness.

Our bespoke security solutions are both reliable and efficient, coupled with training to instill a culture of security within your organization.

Together, we ensure your products not only meet current needs but also anticipate the challenges of tomorrow.

The security of Operational Technology

Recognizing the accelerating convergence of IT and OT, in a holistic security approach, these domains must be integrated. To safeguard your operational security, our cross-functional teams develop an understanding of the broader context in which your devices operate, fostering a partnership between your IT and OT teams to reduce risks without compromising operational agility.

We help ensure business continuity, offering tailored training programs, risk analysis, penetration tests, incident management, and effective project management. Aligning with the increasing pace of development, our experts help tailor environments where collaboration, contextual understanding, and proactive strategies are enabled.

Security Testing

Our expert teams and comprehensive suite of security testing services are here to protect your values at risk. We align with your business strategy and objectives, ensuring security measures support rather than limit your objectives. Services range from strategic management to technical products, encompassing internal and external network tests, web application testing, and advanced Red Team exercises.

Simulating realistic attacks enhances your preparedness against current threats. Our Red Teams evaluate your technical, physical, and personnel security, integrating penetration testing, perimeter security reviews, and social engineering tactics. By identifying vulnerabilities, we provide tailored recommendations, enhancing your security infrastructure and preparing your organization to effectively respond to real-world attack scenarios.

Security Review and Certification

Secure products and systems is the foundation in any resilient organization, and our teams help assess your systems and IT products, to enhance assurance from architecture to individual components. We are here to empower you with a fortified IT and product system architecture, ensuring robust security and design.

Being a licensed IT Security Evaluation Facility, we help you comply with global standards and certifications, and our independent third-party reviews are your assurance of meeting stringent security frameworks. We are skilled in translating complex security requirements into a resilient and compliant IT environment, enhancing integrity and trustworthiness.

Defence Systems Assurance

As cyberthreats continue to evolve, your organization require unbreachable security to stay resilient. With over twenty years of specialized knowledge in military-grade information security, our experts ensure your systems and data are protected and that every layer of your operations is future-proof.

Our cross-functional teams help you navigate complex military standards and regulations, providing tailored guidance in requirements specification, architecture, and thorough documentation. We support you as you engage in secure transactions and strategic developments, having extensive expertise from years of collaboration with the Swedish Armed Forces and from NATO-aligned transactions.

Hans Danielsson

Business Area Manager

+46 (0)13 18 00 17