Supply Chain Management

Adding value to your value chain

Your value chain is your competitive advantage and must be flexible and dynamic to match market needs. Our cross-functional teams are here to help you foster an environment for increased competitiveness, and give your value chain the neccessary edge.

The purpose of supply chain management is to release your potential in all parts of the chain - from product prototype to end-user product. Our wide range of supply chain management services ensures you have the support you need to streamline your value chain and increase your competitive edge.

Doing the right things is not enough, you need to do it securely. Supply chain management is about fine-tuning details to increase profitability, reduce environmental impact and make smarter use of resources.

Digitalization offers substantial opportunities for efficiency gains, but you cannot ignore the cyber threat. As a leading Nordic expert in cybersecurity, our cross-functional teams ensure your values at risk are sufficiently protected. 

Our specialists work with established principles and methods and participate in a number of research projects in the field of purchasing and logistics. Based on your requirements and needs, we can plan and tailor the precise combination of skills you need to reach your goals.


Well-planned and executed logistics strategies and solutions contribute to the organization's overall competitiveness and profitability. Our cross-functional teams help you succeed with your logistics management by adding their research-based skills and experiences from two of the world’s toughest industries: Aviation and vehicles.

Together, we evaluate, plan and enhance your logistics management - working on strategies and system support, methods and processes, while identifying employees with the right skills and finding the right structure in operations, linking it all with your overall strategies.

To assist you in increasing efficiency in your operations, we apply modelling, systematic layout planning and simulation, along with methods such as Lean, 5S and Kanban. Furthermore, we can provide support with requirement specification, choice and implementation of systems support such as ERP or MRP.

Our subject-matter experts are system agnostic and fully independent from suppliers, ensuring you get exactly the help you need.

Supplier development

Lowest price does not imply lower costs. To ensure you get the right level of support and systems, our experts help you foster improved and more qualitative supplier relationships that benefit your organization.

A flexible and dynamic value chain relies on strong relations with your suppliers, throughout the lifecycle. The cooperation and joint understanding of your value chain is what adds value to the customer experience.


We help you establish conditions for efficient and rewarding supplier relationships, and share our experiences to further improve quality and efficiency while reducing cost, all the time working closely with you and your suppliers.


Working with our experts, you get access to tools, methods and services for supplier assessments and benchmarks, together we design strategies for suppliers and product ranges, look at supplier eligibility and how to best achieve successful procurement and develop relationships.


Governing purchasing processes is a core element in improving cost-efficiency, enhancing overall offering and increasing profitability. Our cross-functional teams give advice and support your purchasing operations, always adopting a total cost perspective.

The complexity in a purchasing process has increased alongside market demand for shorter product lifecycles, faster flows and greater customization. Your purchasing needs to be both efficient and precise, and the purchaser’s role in product development, design and aftermarket service has changed as a consequence.

Our experts are there to support you tactically with procurement, negotiations and contracts. Analyzing product lifecycle and total cost, we help you optimize your purchasing functions and improve structure and reliability - from strategy, goals and guidelines, to the development of processes, approaches and individual skills.


Together, we implement a procurement method for competitive dialogue in accordance with the Public Procurement Act (LOU), comparing different offerings from suppliers. We call this agile purchasing and it is particularly appropriate managing complex requirements - looking at effect and function rather than technology and products. Time spent from requirement to delivered operational capability improves, lowering costs and reducing risk.