Suppliers and subcontractors

Become our partner

Combitech has an established network of sub-consultants and offers interesting assignments in various industries. We are constantly looking for professional partners to meet our customers' needs. 

The trend is that fewer suppliers are used, which opens up for greater commitments and delivery capacity. As a sub-consultant to Combitech, you will have the chance to work with us, including with our framework agreement customers.

We offer a complete solution to help our customers grow on all levels, from product development to management.

Would you like to receive more information about our partner assignments?

Our subcontractors are important and assist us in responding to customer inquiries. Would you and your business like to participate in inquiries and become a subcontractor to Combitech?

Here you can visit the Saab Supplier Portal

Here is information needed for assignments and agreements with Combitech

Security review

The supplier must ensure that all personnel working at Combitech or at our end customer are thoroughly screened for reliability, loyalty and potential security risks.

Security screening means that the Supplier assesses each individual based on their background, references, grades or other relevant information to ensure their suitability.

Here you will find detailed information about invoices

To facilitate our invoicing, read what needs to be included on the invoice.

Peter Johansson

Head of Procurement

+46 (0) 734 37 60 60